Talk With Attorney John Rapillo Today 949-675-5060
Being involved in a car accident in California may leave you feeling discouraged from getting behind the wheel ever again. Your feelings of apprehension may be manifested even more if the accident you were a part of was not your fault and seemed to happen out of nowhere. Anxiety and fear may grip your body an leave you feeling incapable of being able to confidently and safely operate your vehicle.
Fortunately, you are not alone and feelings of anxiety following a car accident are not uncommon. Acknowledging your emotions and taking the necessary time to process how you feel and why you are feeling the way you are may help you to establish new boundaries and recognize triggers to avoid in your quest to rebuild your confidence. One resource you could consider is professional therapy to help you work through the onslaught of emotions you have been dealing with since your accident.
Geico suggests some things that you can do to help you regain the courage to drive again after your accident. When you decide to venture out for the first time since your accident, go for short drives without any obligations. Drive around areas that you are familiar with and where there are not a lot of other cars. Ask someone you trust and who is aware of your concerns about driving again, to accompany you for moral support and encouragement if you feel uneasy. As you regain your bearings, you may want to take some time to complete a defensive driving course to boost your understanding and motivation to drive again.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.
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Newport Beach, CA 92663