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Signs that a dog may attack

Tales about a seemingly calm dog reacting in an unexpectedly violent manner aren’t always fiction. However, many dog bite cases in California happen after the victim receives some warnings. The dog’s owner might need to say anything since the dog’s behavior may raise alarms. Anyone hoping to avoid an incident might need to review behavior signals indicating a dog could bite.

Signs of a potential dog attack

Barking could mean many things, and a dog might not bark out of hostility. Growling most definitely reflects a warning sign, as a growling dog clearly signals that he or she is not thrilled with something or someone. Growling may precede biting, and getting too close to a growling dog might be a terrible plan.

Snapping is somewhat akin to an “almost bite.” A snapping dog might not intend to bite, but it will if further provoked. Snapping reflects a warning, and backing off might be advisable.

Other signs may not be as apparent, such as an aggressively wagging tale or troubling body posture. Not everyone understands subtle canine behaviors, so a person may not realize a dog could become aggressive.

Negligence and dog bites

A dog could bark, growl, snap, and otherwise behavior threateningly, but a leash or high fence could keep the pet from causing harm. Unfortunately, negligent owners often contribute to incidents of dog bites. Letting a dog with a troubled history of dangerous behavior run free in a park or on the beach could be negligence.

Homeowner’s insurance often comes with provisions for dog bite injuries, and so victims could have a claim after an attack. Policies may come with exclusions or low limits, so litigation might be necessary.

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