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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is hitting the brakes bad for your vehicle?

When someone pulls out in front of you in California, slamming your brakes might be your first instinct. However, slamming your brakes could damage your brakes, wear down your tires and even cause an accident. You could go off the road or crash into another vehicle, turning…

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Are there ways to increase bicycle safety?

Bicyclists often find great enjoyment in choosing to commute by pedaling rather than driving. Bicycling is not a carefree activity, though. Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists may help others in California by doing their part to follow safety rules. People make mistakes, and bicycle crashes may result. Learning…

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Who is liable for dog bites in a dog park?

Dog parks are popular locations for pet owners who want to allow their dogs to socialize with other dogs or get some exercise off-leash. However, sometimes aggressive or fearful dogs can cause injuries to people and pets in dog parks. Who is responsible when a dog bites…

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Does car color impact your chances of a vehicle accident?

There are many factors that can contribute to California car accidents, from speeding to distracted driving to unsafe weather conditions. When you think about purchasing a new car, you might consider safety features and crash test performance. However, some research indicates that unlikely factors, such as the…

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Who is financially responsible for dog bites?

A dog in California could bite someone without provocation, leading to severe injuries. The injured party might then seek compensation from the dog’s owner. If the owner was negligent in some way, then the victim could potentially file an insurance claim. Homeowners insurance and dog bites A…

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Not all car accident injuries exhibit physical symptoms

When most people think of car accident injury symptoms, they think of physical ones, such as neck pain, headaches and low back stiffness. However, some injuries also exhibit mental or psychological symptoms. Traumatic brain injuries have both physical and mental symptoms. Post-traumatic stress disorder is another common…

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Are pet owners liable for injuries caused by their dogs?

Dogs bring so much enjoyment into the lives of their owners. As a result, dog owners must behave reasonably and responsibly, for the health of their pets and for the safety of others. When it comes to dog bites, owners are usually liable for subsequent injuries. According…

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Is this a Capnocytophaga infection?

After getting bitten by a dog, you need to seek immediate medical attention. Unfortunately, from the moment a dog’s teeth pierces your skin, you could be at severe risk for infection. Of these infections, those stemming from Capnocytophaga are unfortunately common one. Also unfortunate is the fact…

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Authorities suspect DUI in fatal car accident in Nipomo

Most people in California likely understand that there is an inherent risk posed to them every time they get behind the wheel of their cars. However, most accept this risk assuming that the other motorists they share the state’s roads with care as much about avoiding car…

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What store conditions lead to slip and fall accidents?

While shopping, you may notice several hazards that can lead to a severe slip and fall accident. Store owners are legally obligated to keep their buildings clear of certain hazards or else customers may face safety issues. Uncleaned spills According to FindLaw, negligence from store staff can…

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2901 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Suite 200
Newport Beach, CA 92663